About Us

From an early age, my love of nature and natural products lead me to towards a Wiccan way of life. I started my journey by growing herbs in my early teens to use in my own nature inspired beauty products, from face creams to hair treatments. I still make them now, decades later, for my own use. My favourite is a Rosemary, Sage & Cider Vinegar hair rinse for dark hair. I always receive amazing hair comments from people which I put down to using this throughout my life.

I had a dream at a young age of working at my local Herbalists in York (Culpepers) where I would spend most weekend just admiring and smelling the amazing natural products. By the time I reached the age of starting work it had sadly closed. That made me feel a bit lost for a while as I could not connect with other job types.

I also had an interest in crystal gemstone healing and spent a lot of my pocket money buying crystals that I placed around my bedroom! I also started reading Tarot Cards in my early teens - I stopped in my late teens due to some rather freaky accurancy, leading me to wrap them in black silk and hiding them away for several decades in a wooden box. More recently I have started reading the cards again and am more in love with them than I was in my teens. They guide me on my journey.

I am now learning about Wiccan practises and rituals in depth as I travel along my current path, as well as studying Culpepers herbal information, and I am creating products that I can use in my own rituals. It makes sense to make my items in bulk once perfected, so that others can purchase them to aid with blessings their rituals.

I hope you love my products as much as I do and that they work as well for you in your rituals as they do in mine. Product feedback of every type is always welcome.

May your soul be healed and your rituals be blessed ✪

Brightest Blessings to you.
Sarah ☆